Thrive wherever life takes you #7
A blog series chronicling the adventures of a psychologist, ultra endurance athlete, and outdoor enthusiast committed to creating a life rich in experiences, growth, and purpose.

Simple ways to make yourself happier in 10 minutes or less
Because time matters, and not everything we do for self-care or mental well-being can involve taking a week long vacation or spending an entire day indulging. Next time you have 10 minutes try one of these science-backed methods for boosting mood.

Thrive wherever life takes you #6
A blog series chronicling the adventures of a psychologist, ultra endurance athlete, and outdoor enthusiast committed to creating a life rich in experiences, growth, and purpose.

Learning how and why to say no: The power of setting and maintaining boundaries
The truth is that setting boundaries and saying no when you need to or even simply when you want to, will enhance your mental well-being, enhance the quality of your performance on the things you do say yes to, and will actually improve your relationships with important people in your life.

The post-race blues: Why they happen and what to do about them
For months, or maybe even years, you have dedicated yourself to your training and worked relentlessly toward your big goal race. No matter what the outcome of your race, whether you raced a personal best, fell short of your goal, or DNF’d, race day comes and goes. All of a sudden, the event you have been preparing for is over.

Thrive wherever life takes you #5
A blog series chronicling the adventures of a psychologist, ultra endurance athlete, and outdoor enthusiast committed to creating a life rich in experiences, growth, and purpose.

Nine powerful habits that increase productivity, performance, and happiness
Success is like a destination on a road map- there are often several routes to get there. While there are lots of ways to foster success, there are several powerful, research-backed, daily actions that are especially effective at boosting productivity, performance, and life satisfaction.

Why overeating isn’t a problem of willpower
Let me tell you a secret: nothing is wrong with your willpower.

The trouble with black and white thinking and how to embrace the gray
The trouble with black and white thinking is rooted in perfectionism. If we believe that sustained perfectionism represents “success” we are setting ourselves up for failure.

Life Hacks for Better Sleep
We all know how important sleep is. Most people know that good sleep lays the foundation for our mental health, productivity, performance, and mood. But knowing doesn’t always equate to doing. There are many barriers to good sleep (which is comprised of both quality and quantity). In this post I share a few of my favorite, research-backed methods for logging some better sleep.

Thrive wherever life take you #3
Outlasting negative emotions + thriving though a 100+ mile training week

The big benefits of setting small goals
Hear me out. I absolutely believe in having big dreams, pursuing exciting passions, and pushing ourselves to achieve and become more. I simply believe that in order to actually start this process, our goals need to be smaller. Yes smaller. Setting smaller goals is the key to big success.
Thrive wherever life takes you #2
A blog series chronicling the adventures of a psychologist, ultra endurance athlete, and outdoor enthusiast committed to creating a life rich in experiences, growth, and purpose.

Reach the finish line before moving the goal
If you don’t celebrate each victory and success you risk undermining your long-term performance, motivation, and joy.

Thrive wherever life takes you
A blog series chronicling the adventures of a psychologist, ultra endurance athlete, and outdoor enthusiast committed to creating a life rich in experiences, growth, and purpose.

Facing down fear, uncertainty, and doubt
Face down fear, uncertainty, and doubt and show up as your best self when it counts.